Tech stuff I use

I generally try to use FOSS software, here a non-complete and always-changing list:



I have rarely been in the same place for many years so I usually prefer laptops, also I don’t need a lot of power.
My main device is a Thinkpad X200 with Libreboot and it’s in great conditions, my secondary laptop (that I use for work) is a Thinkpad X250.
I also have a Dell G15 with a Ryzen 7 5800H and a RTX 3060; I rarely use it, mainly for gaming, running a “simple” AI stuff like LLaMAC++ or “mining” Monero.

I also buy/receive/find old computer (laptops, netbooks, pentium towers etc…), I usually clean and recover them, repair if needed and install Debian on a new SSD; after that I either sell or donate them if needed by someone (schools, churches…). Whenever possible I’ll also install Libreboot on all supported hardware.

Smartphones are forged by the devil but I have a refurbished Pixel 6a with a custom ROM, I don’t use it much, on a tipical week it last for like 4 days. It is starting to lag more than usual (let’s thanks Google, famous for the poor quality of his devices) and, in the future, I could try switching to a PinePhone or in general something compatible with Postmarket OS.

A very cool thing that I have is the Sensor-Watch and also the N-O-D-E mods are great.

My homeserver is a ZimaBoard 432 with 2 Western Digital SSD (2TB and 1TB); I thought it was not worth the price but it’s working great and the power consumption is very low (I was using a random old pc before, this boars already re-payed itself with the saved electricity). I mainly choose it for the x86 processor. Of course I instantly deleted CasaOS and installed good ol’ Debian.

As a router I use a Fritz!Box 7520, found it for 30 euros, it support ADSL2 and latest OpenWRT release.

I also have a strong interest in Open Hardware and I would like to try something like the MNT Reform, but for now I’m ok.





Other random stuff that I’m planning to try

When I will try all of this? No idea.

Stuff that I’ll try to make myself!

In tech, like a lot other things in life, complaining sounds good at first, but then you realize that you are doing no harm to anyone but yourself by not following the solution you want.

So, since I have a love/hate relationship with some programs I’ll try to code myself an alternative. Maybe they will suck at first, but that’s the only way.

This is not to demigrate any project, it’s just a great exercise to learn and understand technology. Of course you will find all of this software on my git.

Technology that I don’t like

As said before, this is an always-expanding page and things may change/update. I will elaborate more on some points in dedicated posts.
Also if you have any suggestions or question please contact me!